Colorado Springs, CO
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Sells mostly:
80% Fort Carson
13% Peterson AFB
7% US AF Academy
About Potter Partners- Broker Owner:
Janelle is a Colorado native, having grown up and attending school in Colorado Springs. She taught school for 25 years which complements her ability to relate to people. Jan enjoys gardening, spinning, and golf as well as keeping up with her many friends in the area.

Mark moved to Colorado Springs from his home in Indiana in 1980. One of six children, Mark is the guy everyone likes. He is an avid golfer and a fly fisherman whenever he has the chance. Mark has run his own successful packaging business in the San Luis Valley since the 1980's and knows what it takes to be successful Realtor.

Potter Partners is a strong blend of ingenuity, experience and good old fashioned honesty. Their clients become clients for life and can testify to a rewarding experience.
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